Balm of Gilead Summit. Bill Ingersoll
Balm of Gilead Mountain
A Wonderful Short Trek with Incredible Views
By Bill Ingersoll
Sometimes the small mountains are the best hiking experiences. I keep a list of them in my metaphorical “back pocket” to recommend for people who want a memorable experience for modest effort. There are actually many such mountains scattered throughout the Adirondack Park, but many are bushwhacks; in my opinion the region would benefit if a few more of these “low peaks” had trails.
One of my favorite such mountains is Balm of Gilead in the Siamese Ponds Wilderness near North Creek. It is a tad out of the way, and unlike most of the park’s more famous climbs you can’t just park at the base and begin climbing – you have to walk for a few minutes before the ascent begins. But this is hardly a technical hike or ski, and if you can handle a few minor navigational quirks – finding the trailhead, following the trail signs – then you’ll have it made.
Balm of Gilead Mountain’s unique name doesn’t refer to a Margaret Atwood dystopian novel. Instead, it stems from a sterile variety of the balsam poplar, the Balm of Gilead tree. The ends of its branches are gummy and give off a spicy fragrance in spring. In the 19th century, the pungent odor from trees growing on this mountain was noticed as far away as Christian Hill, thus inspiring the mountain’s name.
The mountain is small and mostly well-forested, but one ledge offers an outstanding vista that encompasses the heart of the Siamese Ponds Wilderness. To me, it is equally satisfying to stand here on the edge of that wilderness, gazing into the depths of its interior from the top of Balm of Gilead, as it is to backpack through that remote area.
Trail through Old Farm Clearing. Bill Ingersoll
Getting There
Thirteenth Lake Road starts on NY Route 28 in North River and begins to climb as soon as it crosses the railroad tracks. It traces a winding course through the hamlet of Christian Hill and alongside Thirteenth Brook. At 3.3 miles you reach a junction with Beach Road, the gravel spur that branches right, leading to yet another popular trailhead.
Bear left at this fork and continue uphill, following the signs for Garnet Hill Lodge & Outdoor Center: garnet-hill.com. Look for Old Farm Road, a small lane that forks right from Thirteenth Lake Road, four miles from North River. Plowing ends in a clearing at 0.5 mile – a spot that serves as a winter trailhead most years. At other times of the year, you can follow the remaining road into state land and the official trailhead parking area at 0.7-mile.
The Trail
The wide trail leading into the Siamese Ponds Wilderness begins with a quick drop that cross country skiers will appreciate, and that snowshoers will barely notice. At 0.2-mile you reach the trail register and the northern junction with the Botheration Pond Loop (and ski trail), which turns left and follows a narrow blue-marked foot trail cut in 2004, along the foot of Balm of Gilead Mountain. At 0.9-mile you reach the yellow-marked side trail to the Balm of Gilead summit.
Once you find this trail junction, the ascent begins right away. It should take no more than 15 to 20 minutes to climb through the hardwoods to the summit ridge, where a short traverse through the conifers brings you to the ledge. The view is incredible!
Nearly all of Thirteenth Lake spreads out before you like a wedge driven into the mountainous wilderness beyond. Peaked Mountain looms over its neighbors to the northwest, and Puffer and Bullhead mountains preside like sentinels over the wilderness core. Old Farm Clearing is easily identifiable in the foreground by virtue of its Norway spruce plantation, the dark green trees contrasting sharply with the lighter green of the prevailing hardwoods. Because the ledge faces southwest, the best photographic opportunities are in the morning.
If there are any Balm of Gilead trees remaining on Balm of Gilead Mountain, none are evident from the trail.
Bill Ingersoll of Barneveld is publisher of the Discover the Adirondacks guidebook series: hiketheadirondacks.com. For more info, consult Discover the South Central Adirondacks or his recently-published 50 Hikes in the Adirondack Mountains (Countryman Press).