July/August 2024 Articles
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Donna Walsh of Saranac Lake and Cary Hall of Lake Placid paddling the Saranacs between Middle Saranac Lake and Weller Pond.
Photo © Nancie Battaglia
Middle Saranac Lake and Weller Pond
By Rich Macha
Of the three Saranac lakes – Lower, Middle, and Upper – Middle Saranac Lake offers the paddler a quieter and more relaxed experience. It also adds bonus excursions into Weller and Little Weller ponds which are quite likely to end up being the highlights of the trip. Day-trippers will find much to explore, and overnighters can savor the beauty of dawn, dusk, and darkness from a primitive campsite. READ MORE
Late Summer – Cool Rides and Races
By Darryl Caron
It’s mid-summer so hopefully you’ve been getting out there and building your mileage with occasional or frequent rides on roads, paths or trails the last couple of months. Now you can reap the fitness rewards on longer, faster, or more challenging rides or even a few races – no worries, newcomers are welcome. Whether you’re a casual, fitness or competitive cyclist, whether you ride solo or with others, summer blesses everyone on the bike – and since you’re moving, it often provides a nice breeze. Check out this amazing variety of events in our region this August and September, then signup and enjoy longer evenings and pleasant temperatures while riding with family, friends, and acquaintances. READ MORE
Tirrell Pond and Spruce Mountain
By Bobby Clark & Cat Hadlow
The Adirondack Mountain Club published Peaks and Ponds: Adirondack Day Hikes, by Bobby Clark and Cat Hadlow, in April 2022. This collection of 37 classic and lesser-known day hikes celebrated ADK’s 100-year anniversary by featuring beautiful remote spots throughout the park with side trips and snippets of history. READ MORE
Capital Region’s Fall Road Races – Second to None!
By Megan James
When the temperature and humidity drop, Upstate New York becomes one of the best places for running – and running fast. On any given weekend, you can choose from a slate of local races ranging from the mile to the marathon or longer. Here is a preview of six of the most popular mid-distance fall races in the Capital Region, and some tips on training through the summer to prepare. READ MORE
Late Season Races – As Summer heads into Fall
By Darryl Caron
If you’re looking for upcoming triathlons and duathlons, we have an awesome variety of well-run events in our region for competition and fun times. READ MORE
JOE MOORE - A Life Defined By Boats
By Chris Morris
Joe Moore has been playing with boats for nearly six decades.
From Boy Scout outings in old Grumman canoes and solo backcountry trips in ultralight pack boats to marathon canoe races and hunting, there’s not much Joe hasn’t seen and done on the water. Nearly 60 years after his first encounter with the waters of the Adirondacks, Joe is still as passionate about paddling as ever. READ MORE
The 2024-25 edition of Ride On! magazine, a mountain bike trail guide to the southern Adirondacks, published in June. Here’s a revised and expanded excerpt from it on Wheelerville Trails for your reading and riding enjoyment. READ MORE
Schroon River Whitewater Kayaking
By Bob Frank
In July of last year, from a beginner’s perspective, I wrote an article for Adirondack Sports about the whitewater kayaking opportunities in and around the Capital Region. I also touched on some of the best rivers and creeks in the area to help promote this amazing sport. This is a follow-up article that highlights the Schroon River, which has become one of my favorites. READ MORE
By Kyle Cozzens
Fort Edward is a growing “Trail Town” destination. Over the last few years, Fort Edward’s recreation, parks, and tourism advocacy group has worked hard to position the community as a recreation hub destination. Earlier this year, the Town of Fort Edward was selected as one of Parks & Trails New York’s 2024 Empire State Trail Towns through a program that “recognizes and supports New York’s exceptional trailside communities.” Although the program’s focus is towns along the Empire State Trail, Fort Edward is uniquely situated on several multiuse land and water trails. READ MORE
By Paul E. Lemanski, MD, MS, FACP
Medicines are a mainstay of American life and the healthcare system not only because they are perceived to work by the individuals taking them, but also because their benefit may be shown by the objective assessment of scientific study. Clinical research trials have shown that some of the medicines of Western science may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular death, as well as certain cancers. READ MORE