February 2024 Articles
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ADK Tour de Ski, February 10, 25 and March 10
LAKE PLACID – The new, exciting XC race series has been a success so far with three venues completed at Mt. Van Hoevenberg in Lake Placid, Frenette Trails in Tupper Lake, and Dewey Mountain in Saranac Lake. READ MORE
North Creek Snow Train - Gore Celebrates 90th Anniversary
This season marks the 90th anniversary of the Snow Train that brought skiers to North Creek, kickstarting generations of winter tourism in the area. Business owners, historians, and ski enthusiasts are commemorating this historic event. READ MORE
By Bill Ingersoll
Hour Pond is nestled within a secluded basin, and although it is not really remote, the surrounding mountains ensure that it seems that way. There is a lean-to near its east shore and an attractive campsite near the outlet, either of which would be a fine setting for a weekend backpacking trip. Bullhead Mountain serves as a pleasing backdrop, although its position to the west causes the sun to set prematurely in the evening, from the perspective of anyone camping on the east shore. Hour Pond has been known as a recreational destination for several generations, but an explanation for its unique name has not yet been uncovered. READ MORE
Welcome Spring – Energetic and Fun March Races
By Mona Kulkarni Caron
According to a recent Runner’s World article, despite a pandemic running boom, most races haven’t reached pre-pandemic participation levels. One of the most surprising findings is that big races in many cities are now selling out more quickly than before, 95 percent of smaller races have fewer than 500 participants. Let’s show our support for these home-grown, locally-lead races in March. READ MORE
By Alex Kochon
As a first-grade student in a one-room schoolhouse in the town of Wethersfield in Wyoming County, Walter Kersch cross-country skied to school on a pair of skis his dad made with leather straps. It was just under a mile each way, but rural roads weren’t plowed back in 1944. “We didn’t think of that as cross-country skiing,” Walter recalled. Without buses or viable transportation in the winter months, skiing to and from school was a necessity. READ MORE
St. Lawrence Triple Crown Challenge – 1,600 miles in 16 days
By Michael Feldman
Bikepacking 101 – If you’re new to the term, “bikepacking” is the self-supported riding of bicycles on multiday adventures in an ultra-light manner, typically off pavement (but not exclusively) with a leave-no-trace ethos. The history is steeped in competition and gear development to ride longer and faster establishing a Fastest Known Time (FKT) on developed routes. There are two variations, the Independent Time Trial (ITT), which can begin any day and time of the year, and the group start known as The Grand Depart, with a scheduled start date and time. READ MORE