April 2022 Articles
Adirondack Sports magazine is available free at 600 locations in the New York Capital Region, Adirondacks and beyond. Even if you’re unable to get your hands on a printed issue, you can view the full issue flip magazine or read the individual articles below it.
Enjoy the April Flipbook for the full experience!
Where There’s a Will… There’s a Race!
By Kim Donegan
Hairy Gorilla, Dodge the Deer, Helderberg to Hudson…these local “bucket list” running events are only a portion of what makes ARE Event Productions one of the most popular event timing and race production companies in the Northeast. Since the formal creation of AREEP in 2006, four years after the launch of the Albany Running Exchange, Josh Merlis and his well-rounded approach to creating and managing meticulously planned and operated events have made AREEP a household name in the Capital Region running community. Its reach continues to expand across the Northeast, with occasional trips to the Middle Atlantic and West Coast. READ MORE
The Future of Trails in New York
By Jeff Olson
We are living in challenging times, and trails are becoming an increasingly important part of our response to climate change, social inequality and public health. We are fortunate in New York to have some of the best trails in the world, from the recently completed Empire State Trail to the historic hiking trails in the Adirondacks and Catskills, and the new urban ‘complete streets” movement that is happening in our cities. While I’d never say that being more physically active can solve every problem, I am a total believer that it can be a very effective solution for a lot of the challenges we face. Spending more time outdoors and living a healthier lifestyle is good for ourselves, our communities and the planet. READ MORE
By Laura Clark
Over the past few years, runners have been forced to craft their own individual approaches to running safely during the pandemic. Solutions range from solo challenges, group training with the same pod of friends and hamster-wheel virtual races. But now, while the pandemic is probably not done with us, we are pretty much done with pandemic restrictions – at least during the warmer weather. This reprieve might be the perfect time to continue thinking outside the box. READ MORE
A Safe Start to the Paddling Season
By Rich Macha
Although I have paddled in upstate New York every month of the year, I can’t say that I look forward to dipping my blades in the water in winter, or the fringe weeks before and after winter, when I can otherwise opt to hike or cross-country ski, snow conditions permitting. Plus, I don’t think it is a really good idea to sit on one’s butt for all 12 months of the year. READ MORE
Olya Prevo-White – Turning Adversity into Action
By Linda Waxman Finkle
The most difficult challenges in our lives sometimes become the defining ones. Personal losses from death, divorce, war, and disease can stop us in our tracks, and many lose hope, struggling silently and often alone. Others, however, find that taking bold action is the best solace. Olya Prevo-White is an excellent example of that, doing enormous good on a local and global level, by bringing communities together. READ MORE
Peaks and Ponds – Adirondack Day Hikes
The Adirondack Mountain Club has just published a brand-new hiking guidebook, Peaks and Ponds: Adirondack Day Hikes, by Bobby Clark and Cat Hadlow. This collection of 37 classic and lesser-known day hikes celebrates ADK’s 100-year anniversary. It features beautiful remote spots throughout the Adirondack Park, offers side trips, and includes snippets of ADK history. READ MORE
Happy reading :-)