July 2020 Articles
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Enjoy, and thanks for reading!
Cousins Break 46er Thru-Hike Record
By Thomas O’Grady
The saying three’s a crowd does not hold true for the trio of cousins Dan Fronhofer, Paul Fronhofer, and Mike Jaworski who together set the Fastest Known Time (fastestknowntime.com) for an unsupported thru-hike of the Adirondack 46 High Peaks in June. The trio carried all their supplies and food, taking only water from natural sources. Their trip covered 198 miles over six days, five hours, and 40 minutes to eclipse the previous record by 21 hours. READ MORE
Paradox Loop - Paved n’ Dirt in Southeast Essex County
By Dave Kraus
The smooth pavement stretches out before you, undulating through the forest as it heads east. It’s a quiet morning on Ensign Pond Road before the heat of the day begins to build, and you pedal easily as the road twists and turns between green walls of pines and maples. This quiet, lightly trafficked route is close to the eastern ramparts of the Adirondacks, and the next big descent in front of you will eventually end on the shores of Lake Champlain. READ MORE
Triathletes Showcase Versatility
By Jim Gazzale
No one likes change, especially when it’s forced upon them. Endurance athletes have earned the Type-A personality stereotype. We’re very good at keeping our heads down, focusing on our goals, and eliminating any and all distractions to get there. When the coronavirus pandemic took hold of us, and area triathletes saw their meticulously planned race schedule go up in smoke, it was also an opportunity to highlight our ability to be versatile, much like how we are in training for three disciplines. READ MORE
By Bill Ingersoll
One of my favorite hikes in the southern Adirondacks has become the trail to County Line Lake in Bleecker. This outstanding hiking trail leads through the valley of Pinnacle Creek and climbs onto the high plateau west of Pigeon Mountain. The destination is a shallow pond that falls along the boundary of Fulton and Hamilton counties, hence its name. READ MORE
By Jack Rightmyer
Whitehall native Tim Layden has gone about as far as any sports journalist can. He started as a local high school sports reporter, moved on to Newsday a more national newspaper in Long Island, and for 25 years was a senior writer at Sports Illustrated covering 14 Olympic Games, 10 NCAA Final Fours, three Super Bowls, and eight college football national championship games. Today he is a writer-at-large for NBC Sports where he produces written features and video essays. READ MORE
The Best Weeklong Adirondack Wilderness Trip
By Rich Macha
We are lucky to have many scenic lakes, ponds and other waterways in the Adirondacks that are available for us to paddle. However, it is not so easy for the tripper to find a true wilderness route in the Adirondacks of over 50 miles – one that is essentially motorless, does not cross any paved roads, and has minimal sights and sounds of civilization. Paddlers have traveled far and wide to places like Ontario’s Algonquin Provincial Park and Minnesota’s Boundary Waters to get that wilderness tripping experience. The Adirondack Park does not have the quantity of routes that those places offer, but it does offer areas of superior scenic quality, especially when it comes to mountain views. READ MORE
Hope you enjoy the articles! Thanks for reading! : )