April 2020 Articles
banner photo: Dave Kraus/krausgrafik.com
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Even if you are unable to get your hands on a copy, you can read the complete issue pdf HERE or the individual articles below. Enjoy, and thanks for reading!
Safe Cycling - Riding for Pleasure or Therapy
By Dave Kraus
To ride or not to ride? Or ride alone? Or ride with friends? Or ride on roads? Or ride on bike trails? Or set up that trainer in your basement? Or just give up, crack a beer and get fat? The ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is serious business, but trying to decide whether to keep cycling and how during this difficult time is enough to frustrate any cyclist. READ MORE
The Waterways are Open, But...
By Rich Macha
For many of us, outdoor recreation is a priority. While our lives are on “pause,” we still feel the need to get out on the water and enjoy some paddling to soothe our souls, experience nature, breathe in some fresh air, and get some exercise while we are at it. There are, however, some changes to how we can and should proceed with our paddling endeavors. READ MORE
E-Bikes Are Finding their Place
By Jim Bethel
I was happy to see that the NYS Legislature passed the fiscal year 2020-21 Budget which included the legalization of e-bikes across the state. Although still a bit confusing, here are the basics – The budget language designated three classes of e-bikes: Class 1 is pedal-assisted with no throttle; Class 2 is throttle-assisted with a maximum speed of 20 miles per hour; and Class 3 is pedal-assisted with a maximum speed of 25 mph. E-scooters are capped at 15 mph, and riders under 18 years of age would be required to wear a helmet. Helmets are also required for riders of Class 3 e-bikes. READ MORE
Exercise for the Immune System
By Andrea Henkel Burke
Physical activity is a key element when we want to maintain and improve our immune system. We can take care of having the best nutrients in our diet (and we should), but our built-in healthcare system is not complete, without moving our muscles and exercising frequently. You probably are reading Adirondack Sports because you are an active person. When I’m talking about athletes in this article, I mean basically everyone, whether you’re running or biking daily, or walking on a regular basis. I want you to know how different exercises affect your immune system in different ways. With this knowledge, you can design your workouts or activity depending on your situation, desire and goals. READ MORE
Kevin Treadway - A Nurse’s Perspective during the Covid-19 Pandemic
By Tom O’Grady
There are stressful aspects to being a healthcare worker regardless of the times we are living in. Nurses often face several difficulties in their line of work because they serve many roles – and these roles often differ depending on whether they’re interacting with patient or physician. In addition to the potential stressors and hazards of the jobs there are also certainly many rewards that come with the role. Even in the best of times managing your own health and stress takes effort. READ MORE
By Ben Heller
I originally wrote this article before the Covid-19 pandemic started. Little did I realize that this article would acquire extra meaning as America and the world deals with the virus. I hope that these words can provide you with a little bit of encouragement during these trying times. Don’t worry, I struggle just as much to keep myself together, but if there was ever a good test of resiliency, these next few months certainly fit the frame. READ MORE
By Paul Murray
Like most triathletes and competitive runners, I accumulate more race T-shirts in one year than a normal person can wear in a decade. Occasionally, a special shirt is a “keeper,” like my Kona Ironman World Championship finisher tee, but most wind up on a shelf in the back of my bedroom closet. That was the destination for the 2002 CDTC Crystal Lake Triathlon shirt. The design was not my favorite, and I didn’t like the color, so it landed on the reject pile. READ MORE
A Lifestyle Medicine Approach to Preventing Transmission of Covid-19
By Paul E. Lemanski, MD, MS, FACP
The Covid-19 pandemic is threatening the health of our population in an accelerating and dangerous way. Because it may be possible to shed virus for 10 days with no symptoms, prevention of transmission is key and should include the following: READ MORE
Exercise for Cancer Survivors Without an Omentum
By Meg Wilkinson
The omentum? Most people I speak with about the omentum have never heard of this organ surrounding the stomach and other abdominal organs. My omentum was removed during ovarian cancer staging surgery five years ago. The challenges of living “omentum-less” are not widely known or discussed, but I have found that exercise can be a crucial part of managing the impacts. READ MORE
Enjoy, and thanks for reading! : )