March 2020 Articles
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Even if you are unable to get your hands on a copy, you can read the complete issue pdf HERE or the individual articles below. Enjoy, and thanks for reading!
banner photo: Chet Lasell and John Gillivan, along Kinderhook Creek, near Nassau and S&S Farm Brewery. Dave Kraus/KrausGrafik.com
By Dave Kraus
Tired of cycling on the same paved roads every day with distracted drivers, giant SUVs, and close passes? Are the bike trails, full of dog walkers and wandering couples, getting you down? Then maybe it’s time to join the rapidly growing trend of gravel cycling and literally take the road less traveled. READ MORE
Thru-Ski – Three Adirondack Trips
By Rich Macha
Avalanche Pass seems to get all the attention when discussing thru-skiing, it is a great trip but it has some problems. It is a long drive between start and finish so it is most often done with two groups going in opposite directions and doing a key exchange. Skiers do not want to be standing around for a long time in the cold while waiting for a shuttle to be run. READ MORE
Explore the Unknown – Threemile Beaver Meadow and Beaver Lake Mountain
By Bill Ingersoll
This article is less of a description of a specific hiking route, and more of an invitation to explore a region I’m reasonably certain is completely unknown to most people. By extending this invitation, am I making the area vulnerable to crowding and degradation? Probably not, since it lies so far removed from the most heavily trafficked portions of the Adirondack Park. READ MORE
By Karissa Scarabino, DO
When you find a sport you love, it can be difficult to slow down due to an injury – even when your body is warning you. A 35-year-old male patient who is an avid runner comes in to my office complaining of right hip pain that starts within the first mile of his run. He runs through snow, rain and yes, pain. He’s had the same nagging hip pain for a year and no matter what he does, it just doesn’t go away. READ MORE
Nicholas Marcantonio - Blazing into the Pro Ranks of Triathlon
By Christine McKnight
With a body of wins and high finishes in major races, Nick Marcantonio has met the rigorous standards required for triathletes who want to compete as professionals. Nick realized he might have a future as a professional triathlete after completing the Big George Half Ironman race at Lake George in September 2016. It was only the second race of his fledgling triathlon career, but he crushed the field, winning by 20 minutes and throwing down a course record of 4:08 that still stands.
Book Review: ‘The Restorers’ – The Tale of a River Trip
By Alan Mapes
People who love rivers will find interesting ways to protect those rivers. One way to draw attention to a great river is to take part in a multiday paddling trip. Brook Lenker found a new twist on that theme – he’s written a novel based on a long river trip. His new book, “The Restorers,” is set on the Susquehanna River and features a 556-mile trip called the “Odyssey.” READ MORE
STRIDE Adaptive Sports - Going for Gold Every Day
By Linda Waxman Finkle
“1,2,3, Gallos!” shouted the Capital District Sled Warriors as they huddled together, prepping to go for the gold medal game. The seasoned sled hockey team, which had won silver the year before, belted the cheer the entire weekend of the 2020 Empire State Winter Games, acknowledging the tremendous contributions of the Gallo family who couldn’t be there. READ MORE
Enjoy, and thanks for reading! : )