November 2019 Articles
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Even if you are unable to get your hands on a copy, you can read the complete issue pdf HERE or the individual articles below. Thanks for reading! Enjoy!
Turkeys in Training - Thanksgiving Turkey Trots
By Laura Clark
What is a turkey’s favorite day? The day after Thanksgiving, naturally. In anticipation, my turkeys have been in serious training since this spring, when approximately 20 poults and their assorted nannies made themselves at home in my backyard. It has been fun watching them progress from rolly-polly fluff balls to serious contenders determined not to be dinner table honorees. My cat, Riley, however, has his reservations about these free boarders, but his dinner aspirations badly outnumber him. READ MORE
Moxham Mountain - An Exciting Adventure for All Ages
By Bill Ingersoll
Moxham is a multi-peaked mountain that straddles the Essex-Warren county line. At about 2,441 feet in elevation, it is well off the list of the highest summits in the park – actually, its highest point is just about even with quite a few ponds in the central highlands.
But driving past Moxham Mountain on NY Route 28N between North Creek and Minerva, its profile is nothing short of monumental. That’s because it is the epitome of a homocline, a mountain type that is common throughout the Adirondacks but reaches its most impressive form here. Homoclines have gentle northern slopes and precipitous, often rocky southern faces. But to say that Moxham’s southern slope is merely rocky would be an understatement – parts of the mountain are sheer cliffs! READ MORE
By Terri-Lynn Pellegri
It will be 5:30am when my alarm clock wakes me on Friday, February 7, 2020. The date is written with a bold sharpie on my calendar. For me, there are very few things in life worth waking up for in the wee hours of the morning. This particular February day will be the exception. It’s no ordinary day, but the one we have been planning for months. It’s the Alpine Sport Shop’s “Chicks on Sticks” all-women’s ski bus trip. READ MORE
Saratoga National Historical Park - A Gem for Exercise and Education
By Tom O’Grady
Amid peak foliage in mid-October 1777 the American Colonists did something that had never been done before. They defeated the British army at the Battle of Saratoga. This surrender was a culmination of a monthlong conflict and it signaled a turning point in the war. The reinvigorated patriots used the morale boost to help them in their belief that independence could be won. November, therefore must have been a month of higher spirits and planning for what was to come. This makes November a perfect month to visit Saratoga National Historical Park. The opportunities for exercise and education will help invigorate your fitness goals for the coming winter. READ MORE
The Adirondack Trail Ride - TATR Turns Five!
By Mike Feldman
Mikie Intrabartola, race creator and director, had sent out a message teasing everyone who had signed up for The Adirondack Trail Ride 2019. This would be the fifth year of the “grand depart” on Sept. 13. TATR is a head-to-head, solo, self-supported mountain bike race through some of the gnarliest trails of the Adirondacks. And when not climbing over and under downed trees, wading through mud, tensely navigating slick snowmobile bridges, and hike-a-biking over beaver dams, there would be the climbs. Just about 50,000 feet of climbing over the 587.5-mile course. Even on pavement, connecting the off-road sections, there’s never an easy day. READ MORE
By Kim Kilby
Have you ever known someone who, when you are around them, makes you feel lighter, more confident and more positive, just by being in their presence? Now, imagine being a triathlete, a high school student or a young person, and that this person described is your coach. When you interact with and learn from this coach, you feel inspired and supported, and the sport of triathlon becomes something different than it was before. Now, triathlon is both fun and serious, friendly and competitive, something balanced in real life. This role model, whose passion is making the sport of triathlon accessible and enjoyable for all ages – as well as over a lifetime, is Kevin Crossman. READ MORE
Enjoy, and thanks for reading! : )