August 2019 Articles
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Even if you are unable to get your hands on a copy, you can read the complete issue pdf HERE or the individual articles below. Thanks for reading! Enjoy!
MHCC Century Weekend - Mohawk Hudson Cycling Club Celebrates 50 Years with its Signature Event
By Bill Little
It’s only a few short weeks now until the Mohawk Hudson Cycling Club’s annual Century Weekend on Saturday-Sunday, Sept. 7 and 8 in Altamont. If you haven’t registered yet, time is running out. Century Weekend is a ride event for everyone including 12, 25, 50, 62.5, and 100-mile routes that show off the best of upstate New York scenery in Albany County. Follow up your rides both days with a catered lunch from Delmar’s awesome Four Corners Luncheonette. READ MORE
Paddling Through “Eagle Central” - Hudson Islands the Hard Way
By Alan Mapes
“Eagle Central”, my friends Julie and Michael call it. They love to paddle the Hudson near the river towns of New Baltimore, Coxsackie and Athens. There are several bald eagle nests along that stretch of river – I know of four nests, but suspect there are more. The day before my birthday in mid-July, I paddled a loop from Coxsackie to the mouth of Stockport Creek and back, right through Eagle Central. I realized too late that I was doing it the hard way. READ MORE
By Mona Caron
The fall season is just around the corner and the opportunities for races are endless! Every weekend you’ll find a race in every setting and every distance, each with its own unique running (or walking) experience. Fall racing is the perfect way to measure your spring and summer training. Challenge yourself to one or all of these quality races in September! READ MORE
2019 Saratoga-Capital District Region Geocache Challenge: Peebles Island
By Tom O’Grady
For readers interested in learning a new sport, spending time with their family, and enjoying the offerings of the New York State Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation system consider taking on the 2019 Saratoga-Capital District Region Geocache Challenge! Playing the game starts by picking up a Geocache Challenge Passport at a participating park or historic site or downloading a copy at https://parks.ny.gov/ regions/attachments/ 2019Geocaching ChallengeSaratoga. The challenge runs from May 25 to November 10. READ MORE
Reducing Prostate Cancer Risk, Part One
By Paul E. Lemanski, MD, MS, FACP
Medicines are a mainstay of American life and the healthcare system not only because they are perceived to work by the individuals taking them, but also because their benefit may be shown by the objective assessment of scientific study. Clinical research trials have shown that some of the medicines of Western science may reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular death. READ MORE
By Tom Denham
While ice climbing near Lake Placid in 2014, I met Aly and Aaron Courain who have become my favorite adventure couple. What I like most about them is their drive for learning and growing. It is the source of their motivation to explore new sports and adventures. READ MORE
Enjoy it out there! Thanks for reading!