April 2019 Articles
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Even if you are unable to get your hands on a copy, you can read the complete issue pdf HERE or the individual articles below. Thanks for reading! Enjoy!
issue cover photo: 2016 Prospect Mountain Road Race – Tracy Watson, David Forbes, Justin Grassi and Jennifer Grassi near the top with Lake George in the distance. Brian Teague/Fateague Fotos
There’s Only One Hill - Prospect Celebrates Its 30th Year!
By Laura Clark
True, there is only one hill, a phrase coined by former race director Dave Harrington, but it is formidable – 5.67 miles straight up with an accompanying 1,601 feet of elevation gain. And every last decimal place is crucial. READ MORE…
Spring Paddling Guide - Kayaderosseras Creek, Saratoga Lake and Fish Creek
By Rich Macha
I enjoy getting away from civilization and always look forward to visiting the wild areas of the Adirondacks. However, in most years, Adirondack waterways do not become ice-free until at least the middle of April, and many ponds and lakes may not open up until the end of the month. There are several good options in the lowlands outside of the park though – the Kayaderosseras Creek in Saratoga County is one of them. READ MORE…
Making a Difference One Trail at a Time - Mountain Bike Tourism and Revitalization
By Michael Feldman
The positive impact mountain biking has on communities from a fiscal and health perspective continues to be reported. There are an increasing number of studies being conducted using a variety of models to quantify benefits of mountain bike tourism. Sources include state government, public advocacy groups and trade associations. READ MORE…
By Dave Kraus
You work up a sweat just watching her lead the class. Jen Merritt never stops moving, and her boundless energy is infectious for the 30 or so students in this Saturday morning fitness session. She leads them by example in a constantly changing collection of aerobic exercise that leaves everyone sweaty and smiling at the end of the 60-minute class. Today she is wearing her mermaid outfit with clamshells printed in strategic spots. It’s one of many theme ensembles she uses to help make her classes more interesting. READ MORE…
ECOS Seven Preserve Challenge - A Local Patch for All Abilities
By Tom O’Grady
In 2017, I started the Fire Tower challenge with my family as a way to expose my sons to the Adirondack and Catskill mountains, and bridge the gap between my experience and theirs. At the time it seemed like a great way to help give them a lifelong passion for the outdoors and exercise, expose them to age appropriate challenge, and give a positive reward for a job well done. The Fire Tower Challenge was exciting way to prep them for some of the more well-known hiking patches that come to mind in the Northeast including the ADK 46’ers, Catskill 3500 Club or New Hampshire 48. READ MORE…
By Danny Mongno
I was 16 years old when I first experienced kayaking. With my father providing for our family in the sport fishing industry, I just assumed boats started at 32 feet. So, I was awe struck with the intimacy with the craft and the water, the solitude and amazing waterways I found just minutes from the traffic flying by the kayak shop I worked at. But it was nearly 15 years later that I was exposed to real paddling instruction. Sure, folks had given me some pointers here and there and I would escape the cold winter weather by playing in pool sessions, but nothing structured. Nothing effective in making me a more efficient, more technically sound paddler. READ MORE…
By Paul E. Lemanski, MD, MS, FACP
Medicines are a mainstay of American life and the healthcare system not only because they are perceived to work by the individuals taking them, but also because their benefit may be shown by the objective assessment of scientific study. Clinical research trials have shown that some of the medicines of Western science may reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular death while others may reduce certain types of cancer. READ MORE…
More on the way! Thanks for reading!