February 2019 Articles
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Even if you are unable to get your hands on a copy, you can read the complete issue pdf HERE or the individual articles below. Thanks for reading! Enjoy!
issue cover photo: Summit skier at Gore Mountain.
By Darryl Caron
Our winters are short and spring is just over a month away so get outside and make your own adventures. Many locals and visitors ignore the naysayers and celebrate winter with upstate New York destinations, activities and events. It’s a great time to get family and friends outside. Whether you cruise the wintery trails by ski, sled, snowshoe, fat bike or dog sled, upstate New York has it all. READ MORE…
Adirondack Backcountry Trails Update
By Rich Macha
Cross country skiers have not been forgotten in the Adirondacks. The Adirondack Park Agency and the Department of Environmental Conservation are working on a guidance plan to update ski trail design, construction and maintenance on NYS Forest Preserve lands. Designated ski and ski/hike trails will be placed into three categories: “Ski Touring Trails” will generally be six to eight feet wide, steeper “Backcountry Ski Trails” will be eight to nine feet wide, plus there will be a “Skin Tracks” category for steep uphill travel. A public comment period ended on February 1st. READ MORE…
By Kristen Hislop
“Hi Kristen... Congrats on all your athletes at the Ironman! Just incredible!! You are going to think I’m crazy but I’m contemplating signing up for 2018. Is one year long enough to train if I have never done a triathlon? I have had it on my bucket list for a few years now and it keeps nagging at me... in a great way of course. Just would love to chat with you about it and tap into your experience and expertise.” READ MORE…
Indian Kill Nature Preserve And, Empire State Aerosciences Museum
By Tom O’Grady
School vacations can pose logistical difficulties for families with small children. Parents are likely facing anxiety over coordinating daycare options or time off from work while children are simply excited to get their first break off since the holidays. If a parent is lucky enough to spend a day or even the entire week with them, they may wonder what to do to fill the time. Winter break can be particularly challenging because the weather is unpredictable and children become stir crazy. Therefore, it’s important to plan a day where you get outside and it’s also important to plan some educational activities. READ MORE…
Why I Practice Lifestyle Medicine
By Paul E. Lemanski, MD, MS, FACP
Medicines are a mainstay of American life and the healthcare system, not only because they are perceived to work by the individuals taking them, but also because their benefit may be shown by the objective assessment of scientific study. Clinical research trials have shown that some of the medicines of Western science may reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular death, while others may reduce certain types of cancer. READ MORE…
By Laura Clark
Have you ever dreamed about running the Vermont 100, the ultra race where horses and humans share the trail, but figure you could never stay awake all night? Are your weekends consumed with carpooling your kids to sporting events and birthday parties? Are you just getting started and reluctant to head off into the wilds on a course you are not sure you can even complete? READ MORE…
Keep Osceola Tug Hill a XC Ski Center
By Darryl Caron
About eight years ago, Hugh and Anna Quinn, the owners of Osceola Tug Hill Cross Country Ski Center had an informational meeting about its future as a ski center. There was a lot of interest, but at that time retirement was still a few years out and nothing materialized. Now, he is conducting another similar meeting on Saturday, March 2 at 6pm at the ski lodge in Camden. The main difference this time is that their retirement is planned for April 15, 2020 – just one year away. READ MORE…
Enjoy! Thanks for reading!